June 8, 2020
#30: Liga NOS is BACK w/Aaron Barton of Proxima Jornada

Liga NOS is back and host Danny Pinto is joined by Aaron Barton of Proxima Jornada to discuss Portuguese soccer's first action in almost 3 months due to the pandemic and analyze Porto and Benfica's missed opportunities on the restart. www.selecaopod.com Facebook.com/SelecaoPod @SelecaoPod (Twitter/Instagram) selecaopod@gmail.com Aaron's fundraising effort to support Portugal’s SNS and England's NHS: justgiving.com/crowdfunding/proxima-jornada Vote for Proxima Jornada in the FCA's Best New Content Creator category: footballcontentawards.com/2020-voting Uzohms - A Canção da Zundapp: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvGRQuWU_Xc Uzohms - Vai Brincar Qua Pombinha Pareia: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTEpIrNtgSE